Tuesday, November 15, 2005

-Creating "Art" from eBay-

Well, I had heard of this person before - somebody who sold everthing in his house on eBay and wrote about the experience. Now this genius is back, and according to this article, he has literally recycled the idea.
It seems that the Everson Museum of Art is presenting an art exhibit that "displays the priority of belongings in a socioeconomic experiment. The showcase includes items such as a waffle maker, clothing, taco shells and Star Wars bed sheets." The artist has traced the erstwhile buyers of his stuff and asked them to loan him these items for the museum exhibit.
Am I overwhelmed by the sheer artistic genius of this? Not really. What concerns me is the tendency of newspaper stories about eBay to fall into three groups:
a) a rewrite of an eBay press release
b) a report about scam and fraud on eBay (true, but without any statistics that would put it in perspective)
c) a story about someone selling a (fill in the blank) oddity and making big bucks
Don't you get the impression that most journalist are absolutely clueless about the topic? Maybe they should start publishing their eBay feedback with their byline...

Enough ranting for today, until next time!



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