Tuesday, November 01, 2005

- Photographing Bead Jewelry (on a Budget) -

When I think back and look at the first photos I took to use in my eBay ads, I can only shudder: they were rather blurry, looked flat and did not show true colors. While I am by no means an expert photographer, I have learned a lot since then, and I would like to share some tips and tricks on how to take good photos of jewelry without having to spend a fortune.
Here is what you will need:
  1. A digital camera
  2. Rechargeable batteries
  3. A tripod
  4. 2-3 worklights with 100 W bulbs
  5. A translucent plastic storage box to set up as a "stage", in which the object is placed
  6. Several pieces of silky cloth as backdrops
  7. Display stands, busts etc.
You do not need to get a top-of-the-line digital camera with 5 Megapixels or more, but you should definitely get a digital rather than a conventional camera for the amount of money ( vs. cost of developing film) and time it will save you. The picture above was actually taken with a 1.3 Megapixel Canon Powershot A10 that I picked up for $139 several years ago. Recharagable batteries (my camera uses the NiMH type) are a must, as digital camera go through batteries quickly, and you could easily spend a lot of money on batteries otherwise. You should also invest in a decent tripod, as it will make your work easier and your photos less blurred.
The plastic box setup, with worklights shining from the side provides softened shadows, without your having to spend serious money on a cloud cube or similar equipment quite yet. Do not use your camera's flash (it tends to make small objects appear flat), and set the white balance to the type of lighting you are using (see your camera's manual). Some cloth (particularly the kind used for linings) in a nice neutral color makes for a good background.
Here are some further resources on photographing jewely:
If yo have small objects, such as earrings, sometimes the best solution is not to photograph them at all, but use a scanner - but that would be the topic for another blog entry.

So much for today!




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